The Road to Oblivion – Review Deletion Services

Should you respond to those solicitations saying they can delete 1-star reviews on Amazon for a fee?  Don’t be fooled. Here’s what happened to one of my clients.

A few days after a customer posted a horrible 1-star review (with photos!) on her only ASIN, she received an unsolicited contacted through Skype.  The person claimed to be an “Amazon insider” in India capable of deleting negative reviews. Without consulting me, the client paid $300 through PayPal.  Within 15 minutes, the 1-star review disappeared! She was ecstatic!

A week later, another frighteningly bad 1-start review posted to her ASIN.  This time, she got an email from someone she never heard of…asking how much she paid to remove the first review.  The person offered to remove the new review for the same price. Sensing trouble, the seller stopped responding to the daily Skype and email messages.  She hoped they would just go away.

Then Amazon permanently suspended her selling privileges.  They took her inventory and all the money in her account. She appealed several times to reinstate her seller privileges, but was denied each time.  Amazon refused to disclose any reason for the suspension, except to say “review manipulation.”

There is a better way to handle negative reviews and feedback.  If you suspect fake reviews and review manipulation (up/down votes, etc.), you need professional assistance.  Don’t take matters into your own hands…or trust a “review deletion” service.